If you’re a Lego fan, you know the term ‘master builder.’ A master builder can create unique Lego sculptures outside of the established Lego build instructions. You can find amazing examples of real-life master builders on YouTube, and there... (Read More)
At UMC, Inc., we understand that health and safety are always at the top of everyone’s mind in the construction industry. Our work providing turnkey plumbing and HVAC services for multi-family projects places our employees in potentially hazardous... (Read More)
At UMC, Inc., one of our core values is safety. We believe that keeping our employees and fellow contractors safe on the job site is essential, and we put a lot of effort into creating a safety-conscious culture. Our employees focus on doing their... (Read More)
The construction industry faces an unprecedented skilled labor shortage, particularly in plumbing and HVAC. As seasoned professionals retire and fewer young people enter the trades, the demand for skilled workers rises. This shortage presents a... (Read More)
Importance of proper HVAC maintenance
HVAC systems in multi-family buildings are complex because they integrate individual residential units into a more extensive commercial system. This system gives tenants personalized control over the heat... (Read More)
As UMC, Inc. has grown, we expanded our territory outside our home state of Utah. With offices in Idaho and Colorado, we’ve become a leading provider of plumbing and HVAC services in the Intermountain West area for multi-family projects... (Read More)
One of the ways UMC has grown so rapidly is by embracing new technology. In the last twenty years, the world of commercial construction has changed, and new technologies like virtual design and construction tools have been a big part of that. Here... (Read More)
As a plumbing and HVAC firm specializing in multi-family construction, we have collaborated with numerous developers in the Intermountain West area. The multi-family development sector is dynamic and moves quickly. We've seen many developers... (Read More)
The commercial real estate sector has struggled since the pandemic and the rise of remote work. According to Moody's Analytics, the national office vacancy rate was 19.6% in the fourth quarter of 2023. That's a significant chunk of the market... (Read More)