This past March marked one year since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. Life has changed significantly, and many businesses have made changes. Research on employee wellness after this past year has shown some pretty significant changes. We wanted to... (Read More)
Do all of your employees know what your company stands for — its mission, why it's in business and how it's different from competing companies? Only 41 percent of U.S. workers say they do. Surprised? So are we.
While most business leaders can... (Read More)
[caption id="attachment_636942" align="alignright" width="224"] Members of our team laying groundwork plumbing, 2020[/caption]
In our nearly fifty years in business, we've grown to provide plumbing in Utah, Colorado & Idaho, and HVAC in Utah and... (Read More)
[caption id="attachment_634828" align="alignright" width="300"] Central Park Urban Living Project, 2020[/caption]
At UMC, Inc., we're highly experienced in commercial projects. Our team is constantly learning and delivering high-quality work for... (Read More)
[caption id="attachment_633044" align="alignright" width="300"] Rooftop of the Paxton 365 project, Salt Lake City, UT, 2020[/caption]
Air quality is more important than ever, and many business owners are concerned about the air flowing through... (Read More)
The construction industry has had its share of challenges in 2020 beyond the all-encompassing global pandemic. But none of those other issues have loomed quite as large as COVID-19. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Commercial Construction... (Read More)
Decisions, decisions…
There’s no shortage of options today in the marketplace today. Choosing a family-owned contractor vs. a corporate one is one of them. But how does that choice benefit, you, the customer? Here’s a look at a few of the... (Read More)
We are looking for donations to help one of our UMC employees, Shorty, in his recovery from COVID. He has experienced complications which has extended his time off due to receiving medical care. We appreciate any donation as this will greatly help... (Read More)
When you think about companies you trust, what exactly do you think about? If you’re like most people, you probably think back to past experiences you’ve had with that company and how those experiences made you feel — both during and after the... (Read More)